Tuesday 19 January 2016

A brief history of Ewatto

Ewatto, spelt as Ebho-Ato in Esan parlance and Evbo- Ato in bini parlane came into existence around 1460, according to his majesty HRM Ikhumhen 1 the Onogie of Ebho-Ato kingdom, Ato the founding father of our great kingdom alongside Ikhimi and Osa fled from the despotic government of oba Ewuarere of benin kingdom to form the kingdoms of Ebho-Ato (Ato's Abode) Ebho- Ikhimi ( ikhimi's Abode) and Ebho-Osa( Osa's Abode). These were corrupted to ewatto,ewohimi and ewossa respectively by the english man who were defficient of the esan alphabeth, diction,grammar and vocabulary.
Ato, an agrarian settled in the heavily forested south western flank of the the esanland bothering udo kingdom to the north, ubiaja kingdom to the north east, okhuesan kingdom to the east ohordua kingdom to the south and the neighbouring partner ewohimi kingdom to the west
The great ewatto kingdom is made up of well over fifteen clans and quarters namely egua idumhu-igie idumhu-egbon ogboso ogbokpa abhuru i dumu-iwe idumu-eka idumu-iselu idumu- iyase idumu-agbor idumu-uromi idumu-ema and the uhumebho clan made up of udumhu-arhu ikhekhe okpo idumu- oliha ozorguor idumu-ebo and the ela avenue which is an offshoot of idinwe clan. These clans where named after the founder who migrated to join the kingdom or who is an offspring of the Ato who seperated from his clan to form his own save for the three innermost clans ie idumuijie idinegbon and egua who are direct offspring of the Ato dynasty. Idinegbon as a clan may not be said to be totally of Ato dynasty because it was the abode of the kings slaves who were later infused into the kingdom though there were a lot of freeborn who are aborigines of idinegbon. Idumujie also hosted trickled of foreigners or slaves. These foreigners are infused into the one of the subclans of every clans making it impossible to actually dilineated the aborigines from foriegners
Idumu-iselu as a clan habours the largest portion of immigrant who trickled in from within and without the kingdom in worship of their deity apo. Most often these foreigners lived and died there living their children to continue there as their home. Also people take turn to assume the priestly service to this deity. Any new inductee into this priestly service of the deity apo will have to completely relocate to idumuiselu where he will lived and die

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