Thursday 5 November 2015

My Wife Beats Me Whenever We Have A Misunderstanding Please Advise


I have being married for five and half years now and we are blessed with two children. We show so much love to each other, so much so that most people that know us usually wish to be like us, not knowing that each time we have misunderstanding, she beats me so hard and leave me with injury, and after reconciliation she will always say it was out of frustration and she will apologize but that does not stop her from doing it again.

I am tall, well built with six packs and very strong too, but I can not imagine beating a woman no matter what she does, and this has being my major problem because sometimes I will raise my hand to hit her but I just can’t do it.
She does not want to see any female call me, and I can tell you frankly that I have never cheated on her any day. I don’t even have reasons to do that because she is very good in bed.
This morning on our way to work, we had an argument, before I knew it she started beating me on steering.
Please I need matured advise.

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