Thursday 3 December 2015

Obafemi Awolowo University bans Student Union

Obafemi Awolowo University
Obafemi Awolowo University

This is coming after the management had earlier announced that all students should proceed on a mid-semester break, but was resisted by the union’s leadership.
According to a statement on Thursday issued by the university’s Registrar, Mr. D.A Awoyemi, some students were planning to cause trouble in the institution and so the activities of the union has been suspended till further notice.
“The activities of the union is hereby suspended till further notice,” the statement said.
“It has come to our notice that some students are yet to go home, a refusal to comply with these directives shall be regarded as violation of the university rules and regulation in general.”
Reacting, the secretary General of the students’ union, Oketooto Oluwaseun, said the union would react after a meeting of its leaders.
“We are in a meeting right now to discuss this latest development , though it is not acceptable,” he said.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

It is unworthy of Nigeria’: American Lawyer Writes Open Letter To Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari
Aso Rock, Abuja
Dear President Buhari:
When you visited the United States Institute of Peace last July, you pledged that you would be “fair, just and scrupulously follow due process and the rule of law, as enshrined in [the Nigerian] constitution” in prosecuting corruption.
Such loftiness is laudable. As the Bible instructs in Amos 5:24: “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
But to be just, the law must be evenhanded. It cannot, in the manner of Russian President Vladimir Putin, be something that is given to punish your enemies and withheld to favor your friends. If so, the law becomes an instrument of injustice bearing earmarks of the wicked rather than the good.
In the United States, you declared a policy of “zero tolerance” against corruption. You solicited weapons and other assistance from the United States government based on that avowal. But were you sincere?
During your election campaign, you promised widespread amnesty, not zero tolerance. You elaborated: “Whoever that is indicted of corruption between 1999 to the time of swearing-in would be pardoned. I am going to draw a line, anybody who involved himself in corruption after I assume office, will face the music.”
After you were inaugurated, however, you disowned your statement and declared you would prosecute past ministers or other officials for corruption or fraud. And then again you immediately hedged. You were reminded of your dubious past by former Major General and President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, who succeeded your military dictatorship. He released this statement:
“On General Buhari, it is not in IBB’s tradition to take up issues with his colleague former President. But for the purpose of record, we are conversant with General Buhari’s so-called holier-than-thou attitude. He is a one-time Minister of Petroleum and we have good records of his tenure as minister. Secondly, he presided over the Petroleum Trust Fund, PTF, which records we also have.
We challenge him to come out with clean hands in those two portfolios he headed. Or we will help him to expose his records of performance during those periods. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. General Buhari should be properly guided.”
You then swiftly backed off your zero tolerance policy because you would have been its first casualty.
You opportunistically announced that zero tolerance would be narrowed to the predecessor administration of Goodluck Jonathan because to probe further would be “a waste of time.” That conclusion seems preposterous. In 2012, the World Bank’s ex-vice president for Africa, Oby Ezekwesili, estimated that a stupendous $400 billion in Nigerian oil revenues had been stolen or misspent since independence in 1960. The lion’s share of that corruption spans far beyond the Jonathan administration.
Your zero tolerance policy seems to come with a squint to avoid seeing culpability in your political friends. A few examples are but the tip of the iceberg.
A Rivers State judicial commission of inquiry found that N53 billion disappeared from the Rivers State Reserve Fund under former governor Rotimi Amaechi. Former Lagos governor and head of your campaign finance team Babatunde Fashola was accused of squandering N78 million of government money to upgrade his personal website. The EFCC has ignored these corruption allegations, and you have given both promotions: the Ministry of Transport to Mr. Amaechi, and the Ministry of Power, Works, and Housing to Mr. Fashola.
In contrast, you have played judge, jury, and prosecutor in the newspapers to convict former PDP Petroleum Minister Diezani Alison-Madueke of corruption.
Is this even-handed justice?
United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson taught: “There is no more effective practical guaranty against arbitrary and unreasonable government than to require that the principles of law which officials would impose upon a minority must be imposed generally. Conversely, nothing opens the door to arbitrary action so effectively as to allow those officials to pick and choose only a few to whom they will apply legislation and thus to escape the political retribution that might be visited upon them if larger numbers were affected.”
To investigate or prosecute based on political affiliation or opinion also violates Articles 2 and 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is unworthy of a great nation like Nigeria.
Make the hallmark of your administration justice, not retribution, and you may live for the ages.
I am a United States citizen and lawyer. I have no political standing in Nigeria. Some might argue that my speaking about the administration of justice in Nigeria bespeaks impertinence. But you chose to visit the United States to solicit weapons and other assistance from my government–a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The United States government represents me. What the United States government does reflects on me. I thus have an interest in addressing the actions of foreign governments that receive United States government aid.
Sunshine is said to be the best of disinfectants.
Bruce Fein
Fein & DelValle PLLC
300 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20001

Monday 30 November 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Jonathan escapes assasination in Bayelsa

Jonathan Goodluck

Former President Goodluck Jonathan this morning narrowly escapes death by some men suspected to be assailants.

The news according to an online medium as it that the men  intercepted and drove into a short motorcade conveying the former President from the Julius Berger bridge area of the State capital Yenagoa, trailed the chased the motorcade to the entrance of the Yenagoa private residence of the former President in the Kpansia area of the town, before they were overpowered and arrested by a combined team of security men attached to the former President.

Members of the arrested gang are now being taken to the headquarters of the Bayelsa State Police Command where they’re to be handed over to the police authorities for more investigation.

Ex-Minister: Why Jonathan handed over power to Buhari.

Ex-Minister: Why Jonathan handed over power to Buhari.

November 30, 2015
Dr. Abubakar Sulaiman
Former Minister of National Planning, Dr. Abubakar Sulaiman, on Sunday, said ex-President
Goodluck Jonathan handed over to President Muhammadu Buhari to save the lives of many Nigerians.
He also said Jonathan had sufficient evidence to remove the former Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, but he exercised restraint.
Delivering a paper on the 2015 power transition in Nigeria at the annual Zik dinner lecture /award in Abuja, Sulaiman said it was not external pressure that forced Jonathan to hand over to President Buhari.
Sulaiman said contrary to general belief, there were cases of compromise by INEC
He said: “Few months to the general elections, there were calls from some quarters for the sack of the INEC Chairman, Prof. Attairu Jega.
“There were sufficient grounds for such calls but President Goodluck maintained a position that taking such decision would altercate the process and create an impression which only an insider would understand. There were indeed cases of compromise on the part of the commission, but as the president so wished, let the sleeping dog lies.
“Invariably, the decision to maintain the status quo in the commission by the administration was one decision that further led credence to the peaceful outcome of the electoral process. We must not forget that the president in his exercise of his constitutional power has the authority to fire the chairman and replace him with any of the National Commissioners to preside over the commission.

“Nobody should be on the illusion that the president lacked the gut to exercise such power. After all, Gen. Babangida annulled the June 12 election, thereby depriving Chief M.K.O Abiola of his awaiting victory.
“It is within context of this remarkable gesture and unparallel leadership style of the president that I found it disturbing when the APC led government sometimes grudgingly acknowledged this fact or believed that it was the external pressure that accounted for such political accomplishment.”
The ex- minister said if Jonathan had wanted to scuttle Buhari’s election, he would have used the incumbency factor.
He said: “The extent to which a political transition is peaceful and credible depends largely on variance of factors. We have however demonstrated the import of leadership factor has been consequential to the outcome of any electoral process. Is it the leadership that was out to tame the process or the one that respect the sanctity of the electoral body and other agencies?
“This paper has successfully argued that more than any government in the past, the Jonathan administration has demonstrated penchant for rule of law, freedom and untainted electoral process.
“The power of a president is such that if he had wanted to truncate the process or manipulate it, he could have,” he said.

Saturday 28 November 2015


''Aside the 105 soldiers killed by Boko Haram, additional 34 soldiers were killed 2 days ago but it wasn't in the news''- Deji Adeyanju.
I concur with Mr. Deji Adeyanju. The most heartless and reprehensible thing that our government could have done is to cover-up the fact that 105 of our soldiers were killed by Boko Haram a few days ago. To do such a thing is simply evil.

A soldier ought to be honored in death and this is especially so if he dies in the course of doing his duty and fighting for his nation.
The government has not only dishonored them by not acknowledging their sacrifice but they have also buried them in the wilderness like rabid dogs.
This is wickedness of the highest order and President Buhari, his Chief of Army Staff and his Minister of Defense should bury their heads in shame.
Anyone that buys the lie and propaganda that the 105 soldiers never died and that they are still alive is a compound fool or village idiot.
Will the military also deny the fact that a few days ago 34 of our soldiers were killed by Boko Haram? These boys died for their country. Why deny them?
I am outraged by the fact that a soldier will sacrifice his life for his country yet the citizens and authorities of that country don't even appreciate it.

Pictures of the dead bodies were posted on social media. Everyone in the military knows that those soldiers are dead. It is an open secret. Yet because government denies it so many people just choose to believe them.
The truth is that Boko Haram must have used chemical weapons in the attack.When you look at the pictures of the dead bodies this is obvious. It was probably mustard gas.
All we want from the military is the truth. If 105 soldiers were not killed then how many actually were?
The whole episode happened last week in Borno state and the military authorities are denying it. I am sickened by that.

If others cannot appreciate the importance of honoring our dead soldiers, I can. I will not be intimidated and I will not remain silent.

Tell us where our boys are buried and if you refuse to do so we will keep asking. There must be accountability and respect for those that have made the supreme sacrifice just to keep the rest of us safe. Our soldiers deserve that much.
Finally let it be said loud and clear that since President Buhari came to power he has not bought one bullet for the military. Considering the fact that we are in the middle of a protracted and very bloody war I believe that this is utterly shameful. If you say you want to fight and defeat Boko Haram then why are you not buying arms for your troops?
This brings me to other matters and raises other questions about our President's sincerity of purposes and commitment.
You say that you are fighting Boko Haram yet you are travelling the world drinking tea with world leaders whilst your soldiers are secretly being slaughtered.

You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet you were nominated as their spokesman and chief negotiator 2 years ago in proposed peace talks with the Federal Government.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram but the man you appointed as your National Security Adviser was retired from the army a few years ago for ordering the release of Boko Haram terrorists under suspicious circumstances.

You say you are fighting Boko Haram but the first thing you did when u came to power was to remove military checkpoints.This guaranteed Boko Haram free movement and access to the entire country.
You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet last year you told the world that an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the north.
You say you are fighting terror yet since you came to power Boko Haram has grown in strength, has regained lost territory and has been declared the ''worlds number one most deadly terror group'' by the Global Terror Index.

You say you are fighting terror yet since you came to power Nigeria, according to the Global Terror Index, has been declared as not just having ''the first most deadly terror group in the world'' which is Boko Haram but also of having ''the fourth most deadly terror group in the world'' which is a group that the Index describe as the ''Fulani militants'' and that we call the Fulani herdsmen.

You say you are fighting Boko Haram yet since you came to power Nigeria has been declared the world's ''third most terrorised country'' by the Global Terror Index after Iraq and Afghanistan which were declared first and second respectively whilst Syria and Pakistan were declared fourth and fifth.
You say you are a ''born again democrat'' yet you voted against the protection of human rights at the United Nations alongside Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea.
You say you respect human rights yet you barricade Colonel Sambo Dasuki, the former National Security Adviser, in his home, endanger his life, deny him medical attention, flout court orders and make him critically ill.
You say you respect human rights yet you arrest Governor Boni Haruna simply for standing as surety for Dasuki and you try to force him to abandon his friend.
You say you respect human rights yet you raid Governor Attahiru Bafarawa's home and arrest and detain his son simply because he is friends with Dasuki.
You say you respect freedom of speech and human rights yet you lock up Nnamdi Kanu indefinitely and your security agents shoot two unarmed and harmless pro-Biafra youths to death in Enugu simply because they were involved in a peaceful demonstration.

You say that you are a believer in the rule of law yet you ordered your secret police to storm a sitting governors official home in Akwa Ibom knowing that he enjoys immunity from such matters.

You say you love Nigeria yet a bomb goes off in Kano killing over 21 people and instead of coming back home to mourn with your people you continue junketing around the world.

You say you know how to run Nigeria but according to Paul Wallace and Michael Cohen of the United States magazine known as Bloomberg Business your ''bounce has become bust'', your ''policies irk investors'', you have ''destroyed Nigeria's economy'' and you ''do not have the capacity to move the country forward''.
You say that you know how to manage the economy yet stocks and shares have crashed, small businesses are folding up, our foreign currency has dried up, industries are collapsing, agricultural output has decreased, our foreign reserves have been spent and the value of the naira has depreciated since you came to power and it continues to fall.

You say you know what you are doing and how to manage Nigeria's affairs yet the U.S,-based Washington Times newspaper says that you lied to America about your so-called good intentions for Nigeria and that you have ''duped the United States of America'' with your false promises and empty words.
You say that you are fighting poverty yet according to the Business Day Newspaper Nigerians are ''getting poorer for the first time since 1999''.
You say that you will restore our countries fortunes yet the fuel queues are back and the prices of food, transport and basic commodities are soaring by the day.
You say that you are a man of your word and after you were declared winner of the election you promised not to malign, persecute, witchunt, demonize, disrespect or go after President Goodluck Jonathan and members of his administration unless you had concrete evidence of wrongdoing yet when you came to power you did precisely that.
You say you are fair-minded, true to your friends, loyal to your supporters and always reasonable yet you did not concede even one ministerial slot or approve one ministerial nominee of the two men that helped you more than any others to win the presidential election, namely President Olusegun Obasanjo and Governor Bola Tinubu.

You say that you want the country to change, that you believe in fairness and equity, that you are a progressive, that you believe in a generational powershift and that you want the country to move forward yet you are trying to destroy Governor Bukola Saraki simply because he won an election and became Senate President.
You say that you are fighting corruption yet no-one has been made to face the music or brought to book over the 25 billion naira REMITA and Systemspecs scandal and neither has the matter been clarified or resolved even though it has been established that the whole deal was struck under your watch.
You say you love Nigeria and all Nigerians yet your Fulani kinsmen, under the guise of herding cattle, are slaughtering thousands of innocent people all over the south and Middle Belt, yet you remain their Grand Patron and you refuse to utter to a word of condemnation for their actions.
You say you respect Nigerians yet every time you travel out of the country you spend your time telling foreigners and the foreign media how useless, rotten and corrupt your people are and how you are the only saint in Nigeria.

In view of all this I am constrained to ask whether President Muhammadu Buhari has a conscience or is it that he has just lost touch with reality?
Everything that I said about him during the Presidential campaign has been confirmed and in just six months he has betrayed the trust and squandered the goodwill that the Nigerian people bestowed upon him in the March presidential elections. I have to say that I am not surprised by this because his ''change'' mantra was just an illusion.
What he and his APC failed to disclose to the Nigerian people during the campaign is that what he meant by ''change'' was a change from light to darkness. Sadly our people trusted him and now he has plunged our nation into that darkness.
May God enable him to find the courage to retrace his steps before it is too late and may the Lord deliver Nigeria from those that are around him that fail to tell him the truth.

I gather that they call those of us that oppose President Buhari and that are PDP supporters the ''wailing wailers''. That is an interesting expression because by the time Buhari finishes with Nigeria I have little doubt that the entire country will be wailing.

The truth is that I would rather be a ''wailing wailer'' that posterity vindicates than a ''lying liar'' or a ''howling howler'' who has lost his way and who continues to have confidence in a man like Buhari and a party like the APC that is hell bent on destroying our country and our cherished democratic institutions with their Rambo-like insensitivity and total ineptitude.
All those ''lying liars'' and ''howling howlers'' that voted for President Buhari should clap for themselves for the terrible mess our country is now in. We will remember them in our prayers too.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Anti-graft war: My hands are tied – Buhari

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari has said that compared to his first coming as a military Head of State in 1984 when he could order the arrest of alleged corrupt individuals and put them in protective custody to prove their innocence, dictates of the Rule of Law and due process have slowed him down in prosecuting corrupt official now.
He spoke in Teheran, Iran Republic at a forum with the Nigerian community. He told his audience that treasury looters in the Jonathan administration have started returning stolen funds.
Buhari said those accused of corruption would have been prosecuted by now, but for the need to thoroughly investigate them with a view to gathering enough evidence to facilitate their prosecution.
Buhari said, “on corruption; yes, they are still innocent. But, we are collecting documents and some of them have started voluntarily returning something. But we want all. When we get those documents, we will formally charge them to court and then we will tell Nigerians to know those who abused the trust when they were entrusted with public funds. So, the day of reckoning is gradually approaching.”
The President also pledged to deal with saboteurs in the power sector to restore sanity and service delivery to the people.
Buhari, who noted that he has yet to give any direct policy directive on the power sector before the improvement in supply lately, said the government will ensure that the needful, especially improvement of security, was done to sustain improved services.
He said: “I believe if you are in touch back at home, you would have been told that already, there is some improvement in power supply.
“We haven’t said anything to them yet. I think they only find it sensible or appropriate for them to try and improve on supply.
“I’m sure you know about the privatisation of the power sector; your old friends, NEPA or Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) have been sold to private concerns. But the fundamental thing about us is that we remain potential in everything except performance.
Earlier, the Nigerian Charge D’Affairs, Dr. Ali Magashi, told the President that Nigerians living in the Islamic country were law-abiding.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tambuwal, Saraki, Dogara, Kwankwaso To Return To PDP As It Rebrands *Kwankwaso Grievances With Buhari

Information available to obtained from competent sources within the Peoples Democratic Party [PDP] indicates that the opposition party maybe prepping for a major rebound judging by the recent political mechanization ongoing behind closed doors.
According to reliable information, many of the ranking political leaders of the All Progressive Congress [APC] who had cross carpeted from the PDP to the APC, are presently said to be in talks the leadership of the PDP concerning pathway to returning back to the PDP. Among the list of possible returnees are the former Governor of Kano State, Senator Rabiu Kwankwaso, the former Speaker of the House of Representative, Hon. Tambuwal, the present Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Yakubu Dogara, the present President of the Senate, Senator Bukola Saraki, among others.
Particularly, the former Governor of Kano State, Senator Rabiu Kwankwaso is reported to have concluded plans to return to the PDP. According to the information, Kwankwaso has formally approached the acting Chairman of the PDP, Secondus for a meeting concerning his intentions to return to the PDP. Our source indicates that the meeting was a fruitful one for both Kwankwaso and the PDP. It was agreed upon in principle that Kwankwaso would be given a suitable return way into the party – and that Kwankwaso would remain in the APC for now – until a later date possibly in 2017 when other APC would-be defectors would defect in large numbers into the PDP.
Kwankwaso, for all intent and purposes, is considered and treated as a PDP member presently, stated our source who also noted that the leadership of the PDP would always brief Kwankwaso on any move the PDP intends to make in Kano State. “He remains the leader of the ‘PDP’ in Kano presently” said the source who also added that Kwankwaso has indicated interest in vying for the office of the Presidency under the PDP.
Kwankwaso’s intention to vie for the office of the presidency was confirmed by a Kano political heavy weight who is familiar with the activities in the Kano political theater. The source who was a one-time commissioner under the Kwankwaso administration confirmed that Kwankwaso had already begun making consultations with his group and wider supporters concerning his pending move to the PDP. The source revealed that Kwankwaso remains bitterly unhappy with President Buhari in the manner he was relegated to the ‘side table’ – after having generated 1.9million votes from Kano – largely from the efforts of the former Kano Governor. “Without the 1.9million votes from Kano where would Buhari be today?”
It was understood that immediately following the electoral victory of President Buhari, he was quick to close the doors on Kwankwaso. Some informed sources claimed that Buhari was not too trusting of Kwankwaso due to some un-desiring clandestine activities on the part of Kwankwaso to undermine Buhari. So, as Buhari got victory at the polls, he recoiled away from Kwankwaso – without including him in the setting up of government or in the discussions at play on the national level. Buhari’s demeanor to Kwankwaso is reported to have angered Kwankwaso bitterly.
But a source close to a political rival of Kwankwaso in Kano [Shekarau’s camp], discounted the cold treatment meted to Kwankwaso by Buhari – as well deserving of a disloyal politician in the person of Kwankwaso. The source reveals that during the 2011 gubernatorial campaign in Kano that Kwankwaso was virtually cashless and ‘broke’. He needed assistance to purchase the party gubernatorial ticket in the PDP. “He had no money and nobody was willing to offer assistance” revealed the source who went on to add that it was the then President Goodluck Jonathan who came to his aid and financed the entire gubernatorial campaign and ensured victory for Kwankwaso – and he became Governor of Kano State in 2011. In the build up to 2015 presidential elections, Kwankwaso dumped the PDP and defected to the APC. While at the APC, he craft-fully generated 1.9million votes in Kano for the APC president candidate to eventually defeat the PDP presidential candidate.
Nonetheless, “we are willing to overlook Kwankwaso’s inabilities and shortcomings”, said a PDP national executive member to when questioned on the behavior exhibited by Kwankwaso in the past on the area of disloyalty. He was also clear to state that the PDP remains the party for all people and not for a section of the country. “Other members who left for the APC are gradually coming back to us to open talks on how to forge a way forward”.
Tambuwal and Dogara are said to have expressed their willingness to return to the PDP directly to the national executive council officially and unofficially. This is according to reliable information available to which also indicates that Atiku has already concluded plans to announce his return to the PDP. “Some of his people have already decamped/returned as we speak”, said the national executive member. Saraki had also met with the national executive council of the PDP indicating his willingness to abandon the APC and to return to the PDP. Saraki is reported to have made his intentions clear. He intends to vie for the office of the presidency come 2019 under the PDP. Kwankwaso is reported to have also told members of the national executive behind closed doors of his intentions to vie for the office of the President under the PDP.
Cursory investigation into the reason behind the sudden flurry of northern candidates into the PDP back from APC – show that the leadership of the PDP had agreed in principle to zone the slot of presidency to the north. In the same tone, the party has decided on zoning of the chairmanship to the south south geopolitical zone instead of the south west – which it had contemplated on zoning to – but dropped the idea because the PDP is considered weak in the south west region. The PDP governors are said to be happy with Secondus, the current acting top boss of the PDP. It is likely for Secondus to hold on to the post of Chairman of PDP on a more permanent basis. The other members of the national working committee are not expected to survive the ongoing rebranding by the PDP.
Culled from 247Ureports

Monday 16 November 2015

If Biafra goes, I will be the first to apply for their visa– Idris Abdukarren A POPULAR MUSICIAN.

If Biafra goes, I will be the first to apply for their visa– Idris Abdukarren A POPULAR MUSICIAN.
If Biafra goes, I will be the first to apply for their visa– Idris Abubakar
I think and believed in Nigeria today, Igbos love themselves more than every other tribes.. If you see any Igbo rich business man, listen to his story how he get to where he is today, he will always start with. I was a poor boy at home with my parents when my uncle, brother, or relation took me and brought me to the city to learn trade with him and finally sett…led me to start my own.
1] You will see one Igbo man who has trained and settled more than 100 young men and all are doing well in their businesses.
2] It is only Igbo man that I have seen who would train a child that is not his in schools up to the university level.
3] Only Igbo man would send a relation abroad to go and find means to survive without minding how much it cost him.
4] Every Igbo man want his brother to live comfortably and don’t have to rely on others.
5] Igbo man would rather teach you how to catch a fish than to give you already catch fish.
6] When an Igbo man marries, he takes good care of his wife and children unlike the other tribes that doesn’t respect their wives.
7] My sister Murna has always said that she would love to marry an Igbo man because they know how to take good care of their wives and those related to her.
8] Igbo man, no matter what and where he maybe would always have home at heart and wherever they see their people, they make themselves known.
9] Wherever they are, they would surely have Igbo meetings and gatherings of their local governments people.
10] Igbo man would go to meetings every Sunday where they meet with their people.
I wonder how anyone could say that Igbos don’t love themselves, In fact we jealous about Igbo people for how united and together they come all the time. When something happen to one of them, they would come together and assist. I have seen people from other tribes buried here when they died, but when an Igbo die here they must gather and take the body home in solidarity.
Things Igbo people do together I never see in other tribes in Nigeria. An Hausa or Yoruba rich man would never do anything to help you, they rather be giving you 20 Naira every time they see you that is after you must greeted them till you become exhausted.
If Biafra goes away from Nigeria, I will be the first to apply for their visa, I want stay with them very intelligent people, they know how to make things happen.– Idris Abubakar, Dakata, Kano.

Friday 13 November 2015

REVEALED: Gabonese President Ali Bongo Adopted From Nigeria’s Southeast During Biafra Civil War


President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon is a Nigerian of the ethnic Igbo stock, adopted by a former leader of the country during the Biafran war.

This startling revelation is about to be revealed as a court in western France Thursday allowed a family member of Ali Bongo Ondimba to view the birth certificate of the leader after accusations that he lied about where he was born.

With next year’s presidential elections approaching, controversy has been brewing over Ali Bongo’s place of birth with critics saying he falsified his birth certificate to hide the fact that he was adopted from another country.

If the allegations prove true, it could keep him from running for another term and cost him his wealth.

The court in Nantes allowed 25-year-old Onaida Maisha Bongo Ondimba, a daughter of former president Omar Bongo, to view the documents in full.

Her lawyer Eric Moutet hailed the decision as “enormous”, though “diplomatically complex”.

Ali Bongo is the only one of ex-president Omar Bongo’s 54 declared heirs not to have produced the identification documents.

FROM ORPHANAGE TO PRESIDENCY: The circled kid in this picture is the current President of Gabon, Ali Bongo
Ali Bongo assumed the presidency following the 2009 death of his father Omar Bongo, who had presided over the west African nation and its oil and mineral wealth since 1967.

The Gabonese constitution says one must be born Gabonese to serve as the head of state, but French investigative journalist Pierre Pean alleged in a recent book that the president was actually Nigerian and was adopted during the Biafran war in the late 1960s.

Bongo himself claims he was born in Brazzaville in 1959, former capital of French Equatorial Africa.

The Nantes civil registration centre is responsible for all birth certificates of people born in French Equatorial Africa up to 1960, when the former colonial countries in the region gained independence to become Gabon, Congo, Chad and the Central African Republic.

Ali Bongo announced in late August that he would give “all his share of the inheritance” from his father to “the Gabonese youth” in a speech marking the 55th anniversary of independence.

Thursday 5 November 2015

My Wife Beats Me Whenever We Have A Misunderstanding Please Advise


I have being married for five and half years now and we are blessed with two children. We show so much love to each other, so much so that most people that know us usually wish to be like us, not knowing that each time we have misunderstanding, she beats me so hard and leave me with injury, and after reconciliation she will always say it was out of frustration and she will apologize but that does not stop her from doing it again.

I am tall, well built with six packs and very strong too, but I can not imagine beating a woman no matter what she does, and this has being my major problem because sometimes I will raise my hand to hit her but I just can’t do it.
She does not want to see any female call me, and I can tell you frankly that I have never cheated on her any day. I don’t even have reasons to do that because she is very good in bed.
This morning on our way to work, we had an argument, before I knew it she started beating me on steering.
Please I need matured advise.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The APC senators today VOTED to NOT pay the unemployed they promised during campaign!

There was mild drama at the senate on Wednesday, as All Progressives Congress (APC) senators and those of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) squabbled over a motion by Philip Aduda, senate minority leader, urging President Muhammadu Buhari to fulfill his party’s promise of paying N5,000 monthly to unemployed Nigerian youths. ‎

The motion, which was seconded by Godswill Akpabio (senate minority leader), generated hot air, as APC senators shot it down. Aduda’s motion followed an earlier motion‎ on the need to curb unemployment in Nigeria by Bassey Akpan (Akwa Ibom northeast). Akpan had observed that the rate of job creation in Nigeria was grossly inadequate to keep pace with the expanding working age and labour force population. 

He said he believed that if the nation’s unemployed youths‎ were effectively engaged in gainful employment, vices such as terrorism, kidnapping and armed robbery would be reduced. ‎Akpan therefore urged the senate to call on the “federal government and sub-national governments to intensify their effort on employment generation activities in line with their various campaign promises”. 

The was motion adopted, however, after some amendments were made to it. The senate adjourned to next Tuesday.

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described President Mohammadu Buhari is a sectional leader

 Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described the appointment of yet another northerner, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu as Chairman the

Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as a vindication of his position that “President Mohammadu Buhari is a sectional leader, who sees himself mainly as leader of the Hausa/Fulani, and not that of the entire people of Nigeria.”

The governor, who said he had expected that the new INEC Chairman will be chosen from one of the three Southern geo-political zones, especially the South Western part of the country being the only zone yet to produce chairman of the nation’s electoral umpire, posited that; “Nigeria has entered a one chance bus and it remains to be seen who will save the country from its sectional President.”

Reacting to the appointment of Prof Yakubu as the new INEC chairman, Governor Fayose said, in a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka that even the Yoruba leaders who promoted and made the Buhari’s Presidency possible had been short-changed.        The governor asked; 
“Shouldn’t he have considered someone from either South-East, South-South or South-West as Chairman of the Electoral Commission now that we have a President from the North?
"For reasons of perception, equity and fairness, don’t we have credible people from the Southern part of Nigeria that can conduct credible elections as INEC Chairman? Or do we assume that the 2019 elections have already been won and lost by the appointment of this Hausa/Fulani professor as INEC chairman? Or isn’t it regrettable that even in 2015, it is only in PDP controlled States that elections are being upturned?”

He said he was worried that the three arms of government; namely Executive, Legislative and Judiciary were being headed by northerners, leaving the three zones in the Southern part of the country with nothing.

Speaking further, Governor Fayose said; “When Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was the President, he never appointed a Yoruba man as INEC chairman. Dr Goodluck Jonathan too did not appoint an Ijaw man as INEC Chairman.

“Former President Shehu Shagari too did not appoint a Hausa man like himself as Chairman of the Federal Electoral Commission (FEDECO). Rather, he appointed late Justice Victor Ovie Whisky.

“During the Ibrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha regimes, no Hausa/Fulani man was appointed as Chairman of the National Electoral Commission of Nigeria and General Abdulsalami Abubakar who established the current INEC did not also appoint his fellow Hausa man as chairman.

“How then can we have a President from the North and at the same time
have INEC Chairman from the Hausa/Fulani Northern Nigeria?

“Obviously, what is being witnessed is more like a situation where it appears the President is more interested in having someone malleable to him than serving the interest of Nigeria and its people.”

Governor Fayose, who described the hurried appointment of the INEC boss as a vindication of his earlier stand that the appointment of Mrs Amina Zakari as INEC Acting Chairperson was illegal, said all processes leading to the conduct of the Kogi and Bayelsa States governorship election must start afresh.

"It should be recalled that l raised the alarm on the legality of INEC under an Acting Chairman or Chairperson as there was no provision for INEC Acting Chairmanship position in the Constitution of Nigeria.

“I did say in a statement issued on August 9, 2105 that any action taken by INEC with Mrs Zakari as its head will amount to illegality and I urged President Mohammadu Buhari to avoid plunging Nigeria into an avoidable legal quagmire by rescinding immediately, the illegal appointment of Mrs Zakari as INEC Acting Chairperson.

“However, the president chose to wait until decisions were taken by INEC on Kogi and Bayelsa States governorship elections and one begins to wonder how INEC will wriggle itself out of the legal quagmire it has been plunged into by the President’s refusal to heed to the voice of reason,” the governor said.

Man kills girlfriend for rejecting marriage proposal

One Miss Onyinyechi Okegbulam of Egbu in Owerri North Local Government Area of Imo State has allegedly been killed by her boyfriend for refusing his marriage proposal.
A source, who spoke on grounds of anonymity, told Vanguard that the girl was shot in the head at close range by her supposed boyfriend in the village.
The source recalled that the deceased was, last Saturday, lured out of her family home by the boyfriend at about 7p.m.
“Some people, who were close to the scene of the crime that night, reported that as soon as the boy saw the girl approaching him, he fired at her,” the source said.
Another source claimed that soon after shooting the girl, the young man tried to smuggle Onyinyechi’s lifeless body into his car but scampered for safety when a woman raised alarm, which attracted several people to the scene.
‘He paid for the girl’s education’
Another story, however, had it that the boyfriend was responsible for the entire educational expenses of the girl, who later ditched him.
A resident of the area said: “We heard that the boy picked the bills for the girl’s education, but that the girl later abandoned the boy and opted to marry another man.
“We have even heard that the marriage has been fixed before the boyfriend struck.”
The 22-year-old Onyinyechi was, until her untimely death, a final year student of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri West Local Government Area of the state.
Although the Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Andrew Enwerem, a deputy superintendent of police, could not be reached at press time, a reliable source in the state police headquarters, Owerri, confirmed that police had waded into the matter.
The police source said: “Police have started investigating the incident and the late girl’s parents are cooperating with us. Police will get to the root of the case.”

Tuesday 3 November 2015


Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma. Edo state. The management of the
institution has just released these amount for 2015/2016 academic session approved school fees
are as follows:
1. Arts, Social Sciences and Environmental Studies(Fine and Applied Arts) – N96,250.00
2. Economics, Public Administration, Business Administration and Banking & Finance –N110,000.00
3. Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Physiology and Education –N112,500.00
4. Engineering, Naturals Sciences (Microbiology and Computer Science), Architecture and Building N122,5000.00
5. Medicine – N160,000.00
6. Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing, Accounting and Law – N127,000.00
6. Institute of Education – N110,000.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Northerners Disappointed With President Buhari, “Tinubu Has Taken Over”

The coming of Mohammadu Buhari to the seat of presidency as the change agent and the messiah of Nigerian politics had significant impact on the political psyche of the commoner the northern region of the country. The many quarters within the northern regions of the country hailed the arrival of the All Progressive Congress [APC] presidency as the arrival of the long awaited disciplinarian and correction factor that will right the injustices meted to the northerners and the northern region.Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu angry
However information available to us obtained through a consortium of sources knowleagble of the ongoings within the APC indicate that the northern block within the APC who were formally basking in the euphoria of a northern victory have begun to reach anti climax over recent developments within and around the presidency. One major player around the media aide to the President, Garba Shehu reveals that the President had ‘fallen’ to the hands of the Lagos based APC godfather – Bola Tinubu.
According to the information gathered, the President had initially promised his northern followers that he would clip the wings of the Lagos based APC godfather against an anticipated overbearing influence in the naming of ministers and other cabinet members. “He assured us he will put Tinubu in his place… that Tinubu and the southwest block would not dictate the terms of his presidency“. But the President’s actions in the manner he fielded the members of his ministerial list shows he has bowed to the southwest block and to the Tinubu led APC team.
“He told us he would reward the north for having voted for him enmass” lamented the APC member who also serves as a strong proponent of the Arewa consultative agenda. He complained that Tinubu has successfully wrestled “Buhari down to the mat” away from the controls. “Tinubu has taken over“. The same source continued that Buhari’s body language was clear in the beginning as per his choice for the Senate President. It was clear he did not want Tinubu’s choice for the seat. He wanted Saraki for the seat in order to checkmate Tinubu’s and APC influence inside national assembly. However the body language changed midway.
Available information indicates that Buhari’s sudden change in body language was principally responsible for the long delay in submitting the ministerial list to the national assembly. It was also responsible for the sudden probe of the new Senate president by the code of conduct tribunal. It was also gathered that the submissions of the ministerial names to the national assembly followed behind the curtains negotiations between the presidency and the senate president – for a clear way for the ministerial nominees in exchange for a tampered down probe at the code of conduct tribunal.
President Buhari is believed to have ‘grandfathered’ the negotiation process between the Tinubu led APC and the Senate president – and have paved the way to the soft submission of the ministerial names to the national assembly. The Senate President in turn is believed to have guaranteed a smooth passage of the ministerial names without fermenting embarrassing situations for the presidency or the ministerial nominees. A source from the Senate President’s office confirms to us that the Senate President has embraced the presidency with full arms – and have resolved to give the ministerial nominees a smooth sail to becoming a minister.

Complete ongoing projects, shun new ones, Fashola tells Oshiomhole

Former governor of Lagos State, Mr Babatunde Fashola, has advised Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State to shun the temptation of initiating new projects unless they are very critical to the well-being of the people, but should rather concentrate on completing ongoing ones before the end of his tenure in November 2016.
Oshiomhole, Fashola

Fashola told the governor that he could not completely rebuild Edo State within eight years, as it is practically impossible for any administration to initiate and execute all the projects needed by people in the state.
Speaking as Guest Speaker at a three-day retreat for members of Edo State Executive Council and Permanent Secretaries, holding in Abuja, to brainstorm and re-strategise on raising the bar on governance in the state, with the theme, “Finishing Well”, Fashola said: “This gathering is auspicious because for me, it demonstrates the focus of your government. You are clearly mindful that the time is up. Let me emphasise that time is up, time is not running out, it is up, the government’s tenure is at an end. What you have now is the process to walk out. It is easy to say you have not finished the job. So in that sense, there is work to do, you must accept that and you must also be honest with yourself that you can’t finish the work. The reason is that, it is the work of the people, work of human beings and as long as the human civilization remains, work will never end because it is a continuous undertaking.
“If the work could be finished, Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia would have finished it. He had more time than you have and if it could not be finished at that time, the late Ambrose Alli would have finished it and probably John Odigie-Oyegun. So, in that sense, it won’t be finished. In the last few days, there would be a lot of talk about what you did not do, and there will be people asking you, before you go, come and do this, but you must be honest with yourself and be honest with them, having regards to the realities of your resources. The pressure can be enormous, but don’t see that it as negative, it is not. See it as positive because they are asking you to do it only because they trust in your ability to do it that is why they are asking you.”

Sunday 11 October 2015

My church is aware I’m member of Ogboni Confraternity —Ogunfuwa, 75-yr-old Remo chief

Otunba Joseph Adedayo Ogunfuwa,   the Babalaje of Remoland, celebrated his 75th birthday, penultimate Saturday. In an  interview, shortly after the birthday lecture, Ogunfuwa said he is a devoted  Christian, a member of the Anglican Communion and a strong member of   the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity. This, he claimed, his church is aware.
 What inspired your celebrating your birthday with a lecture?
I conceived   the idea of a birthday lecture 15 years ago when I clocked 60 years because I thought I would die before 60.   My late father died at 62 and, to me, when  you  clock 60 and die, it is not   a premature death. Initially, the birthday lecture was restricted to my immediate family and close friends. But when I clocked 65, people, mostly friends, advised me to extend the invitation beyond my immediate family so that it could be a legacy   that will not only benefit my immediate family but should be   passed on to generations   because of my experiences on knotty issues like world peace, religion as well as other issues that will always give people food for thought.
I also want to say that none of the fraternities that I belong to is against any religion or government. They all affirm the supremacy of God and oppose  discrimination of any kind.   The  world needs peace and not insurgency and the battle for God among different religions  must stop if the world must know peace.
So, this year, I changed the pattern of the lecture. I saw the need to invite  knowledgeable persons to deliver it. Professor Dayo Adekole  talked about  religion and fraternities and explored the notion of a conflict. Professor Rom Kalilu talked about religious intolerance –The Muslim point of view. I     spoke on religion intolerance =The Christian view point and religion and world peace. The whole essence of  this was to see how we can all bring about world peace. Without peace, nothing meaningful can be done, either as an individual or as a nation.
What exactly is your philosophy of life?
Do my best in all circumstances for everybody and without doing wrong to anybody.
 Your   dad died at 62. Did you envisage you will live this long?
Nobody knows how long he or she   will live. People die through many causes. You cannot predict also what manner of death you will have. One can have the best of health and still die young.   When you live and abstain from what  is not necessary, you can live long. For instance, I gave up smoking over 30 years ago, and I was a bad drinker. My elder  sister kept warning me and weeping because of these habits because of the fear that I might die young. But, today, she is alive and I am also  alive. I had to stop smoking because I had medical challenge. As a child,  I was always ill. My mother died of  asthma at 32.   The doctor advised me to stop smoking, but I didn’t stop immediately.   I, however, gave up the habit when I realised that  I was pushing myself to the grave. One does not need much education to know that smoking is dangerous to health. And  it is not right, but it took me long time to be convinced that I needed to stop the habit.
 At 75, would you say you are fulfilled?
I have been a fulfilled man as far back as when I clocked   60. Death did not matter to me after that. People tend to associate  fulfillment with wealth or monetary worth. It is whatever you set out to achieve in life that makes you fulfilled. I set out to be what I am, to be kind to people, to be generous to live according to my conscience. I listen to advice but I don’t take every piece of  advice. I am not rich and I don’t have to be rich to be a fulfilled man.   I have 14 children and 23 grandchildren. I have always told my children, ‘what I have done for you, go and improve on it   yourselves’.
 Being the Babalaje of Remoland, what are the factors that shaped you to make you who you are today?
I don’t know why they conferred the title of Babalaje on me because I told them I didn’t want it. Babalaje is given to people who are rich. I am not.
 What is that thing that your parents inculcated in you while growing up that you have also passed to your children?
That is a secret. When my father was about to die, he compelled me to love all my siblings because he was a polygamist. Today, I am successful and my siblings are also successful and my children too.
 So when   you die, how do you want to be buried?
I have given my children instructions on what to do when I die. Not only that, I have consistently openly said it. Nobody should say after my death that I renounced any of the fraternities I belong to.   I am a Christian of Anglican Communion; when I die, my fraternities’ members should come in their full regalia and, if the church will not permit that, let the fraternities bury me.